How to choose the color of color steel coils to avoid errors


The colors of color steel coils are rich and colorful. How to choose the color that suits oneself among the many color steel coils? To avoid significant color differences, let’s take a look together.
The selection of color for color steel plate coating: The main consideration for color selection is to match the surrounding environment and the preferences of the owner. However, from a technical perspective, there is a wide range of choices for pigments in light color coatings. Inorganic pigments with superior durability (such as titanium dioxide) can be chosen, and the thermal reflection ability of the coating is strong (the reflection coefficient is twice that of dark color coatings). In summer, the temperature of the coating itself is relatively low, which is beneficial for prolonging the coating life.

Color steel coil。 (2)
In addition, the editor reminds that even if the coating changes color or powdery, the contrast between the light colored coating and the original color is small, and the impact on the appearance is not significant. Dark colors (especially bright colors) are mostly organic in color, and they are prone to fading when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, changing color in just three months. For color coated steel plates, the thermal expansion rates of the coating and the steel plate are usually different, especially the linear expansion coefficients of the metal substrate and organic coating are significantly different. When the ambient temperature changes, the interface between the substrate and the coating will experience expansion or contraction stress. If not properly released, coating cracking will occur.

Color steel coil。 (1)
Additionally, it should be noted that there are two misconceptions in the current market: one is the presence of a large amount of white primer. The purpose of using a white primer is to reduce the thickness of the topcoat, as a normal corrosion-resistant primer for construction is yellow green (hence strontium chromate pigment) and must have sufficient topcoat thickness. The second is the use of color coated steel plates in construction projects. The same project uses different manufacturers and batches of color coated steel plates, which may appear to have the same color during construction. However, after several years of sunlight exposure, the color change trends of different coatings from different manufacturers are different, leading to serious color differences. There are too many examples of this. Even for products from the same supplier, it is strongly recommended to place an order for the same project at once, as different batch numbers may use products from different paint suppliers, increasing the possibility of color differences.

Post time: Jun-13-2024