The use of obstetrics and gynecology operating table and 7 points for attention


Clinically, the operating table is an important part of the operation, which is the equipment platform to provide anesthesia and surgery. Even though many people tend to ignore the role of the operating table, there is no denying that the management of the use of the operating table during the operation may affect the process of anesthesia and surgery, as well as the patient’s condition.

At present, operating beds are gradually developing towards multi-function and intelligent, and the types of operating beds are gradually shifting from the early single to functional. Different operating beds are designed for different departments, so as to meet the needs of different surgical operations for the functions of operating beds.

Obstetrics and gynecology operating table is one of the more characteristic functional department products.

The use of obstetrics and gynecology operating table:

Different obstetrics and gynecology operating table function is also different, but the main purpose is to facilitate the smooth delivery of maternal, such as the setting of a special tilt Angle.

By setting drawers on both sides of the operating bed, it is convenient for surgeons to place surgical instruments.

Through the setting of the tool placement board, it is convenient for doctors to place surgical tools during surgery.

Through the design of mattress structure, it can bring a certain degree of convenience and improve the comfort of puerpera in the process of production and operation

Obstetrics and gynecology operating table 7 matters needing attention

1 Confirm that the operating table is locked before the operation;


2.Confirm the position of the operating table and pay attention to the lighting, so as not to affect the field of vision;

3.If you want to change the bed, you should inform the patient first;

4.When the operating table has a certain tilt Angle, pay attention to the patient’s state, need to be fixed accurately;

5.When adjusting the electric operating table, attention should be paid to the wiring problem, so as not to damage the winding and affect the operation;

6.Pay attention to clean the stains on the operating bed in time;

7.Pay attention to the head board and foot board position of the operating table;

Post time: May-28-2022