Transportation and storage matters of geonet


Many users do not know what to pay attention to when transporting and storing geonets. Today, the editor will introduce in detail:
The raw materials used to manufacture geonets are generally fibers, which have a certain degree of flexibility, are relatively light in weight, and are convenient for transportation. For the convenience of transportation, storage, and construction, it will be packaged in rolls, with a general length of about 50 meters. Of course, it can also be customized according to the user’s needs, and there is no fear of damage during transportation.、

GEONET When storing and transporting products, we need to pay attention to issues such as solidification and anti-seepage. Compared to ordinary cloth materials, although geonets have a series of advantages in use, incorrect operations during storage and transportation can also hinder the normal use of geonets.
During transportation, extra caution is required during loading and unloading to avoid damaging the geotextile mesh inside, as only one layer of woven fabric is wrapped around it.
When storing, the warehouse should have corresponding ventilation conditions, equipped with fire extinguishing equipment, and smoking and open flames are prohibited in the warehouse. Due to the static electricity generated by geonets, they cannot be stored together with other flammable materials such as chemicals. If the geonet is not used for a long time and needs to be stored outdoors, a layer of tarpaulin should be covered on top to prevent accelerated aging caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.

During transportation and storage, it is important to avoid rain. After the geonet absorbs water, it is easy to make the entire roll too heavy, which can affect the laying speed.
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The above content is about the knowledge explanation of transportation and storage of geonets. I believe everyone will be more interested in it.

Post time: Aug-29-2024