What is a medical mattress? Recommended medical grade mattresses for home care!


According to research statistics, nearly 5 million people in Taiwan suffer from insomnia, which is equivalent to 1 in 4 people who have trouble sleeping at night. The most common people who suffer from sleep problems are pregnant women, the elderly and people who are naturally light sleepers. To solve the sleeping problem, it is recommended that you consider changing to a set of mattresses. Today I want to share with you a medical grade latex mattress. Not only does the mattress have good support and high breathability, it also provides excellent elasticity and can therefore be covered. It supports different parts of the body and prevents parts of the body from bearing excessive pressure. Let latex bedding experts explain and introduce medical mattresses to everyone!

Nursing bed

What is a medical mattress?
Medical mattresses are mattresses specially designed for people who need to lie in bed for long periods of time. In addition to the general single and double sizes, there are also mattresses that match the size of electric beds commonly used in medical institutions. , medical mattresses not only need to have good support, but also have a high degree of breathability. In recent years, with the completion of the long-term care subsidy system, more and more people have applied for home care. Medical-grade latex mattresses are what we The recommended first choice for medical mattresses, excellent mattress quality, in addition to being used in nursing, medical, and confinement centers, it is also the best choice for many people’s home mattresses.


Why use a medical mattress?
Whether it is the elderly who are generally cared for at home or the mother who has just given birth, sleep time is very important. The time in bed will be longer than that of the average person. You may spend more than half of the day resting in bed. At this time, if the mattress If the quality is poor and the support is not enough, the more you lie down, the more tired you will be. In the long run, your sleep quality will gradually deteriorate, which will affect your mood and even your recovery speed. A medical mattress designed for long-term lying down can help your family It will be more comfortable to lie down, avoiding excessive pressure on parts of the body caused by lying for a long time and causing discomfort, and you can have a good rest in bed with more peace of mind.


Who are medical mattresses suitable for?
People who need to stay in bed for a long time
People who need to stay in bed for a long time, including those who are relatively weak, such as pregnant women and elderly people, need time to recover their physical strength, so they usually stay in bed for a longer time. At this time, if you lie on a poor-quality mattress If you lie down for a long time, you will become more uncomfortable and unable to replenish your vitality. Medical mattresses are suitable for long-term lying down, which can prevent them from overstressing the body during the 12 to 16 hours they lie down. Stress troubles.




People who have trouble sleeping for a long time
If you usually have a light sleep and cannot sleep deeply, have always had the problem of sleeping well, and have never experienced the feeling of sleeping until dawn, then a medical mattress is very suitable for you. For example, our medical-grade mattress is mainly designed to For people who lie down for long periods of time, the highest-grade raw materials and production methods are used, so all aspects of the mattress’s performance are better than ordinary mattresses; medical mattresses are not limited to nursing homes, long-term care homes, and medical centers. In addition, top hotels are also among our guests.




4 key points to pay attention to when choosing a medical mattress
1. The mattress should be more breathable
When purchasing a medical mattress, the first important thing to consider is whether it is breathable, because if the mattress is not breathable, the longer we lie in bed, the more likely it is to cause skin diseases, such as eczema, bedsores, etc. Symptoms such as skin diseases will make it more uncomfortable to lie down after causing skin diseases. A high-quality mattress has a good breathability effect, allowing us to feel ventilated and comfortable during sleep and rest time.

2. Is the support effect good?
In previous articles, we have compared the support of various types of mattresses; when choosing a medical mattress, support is a major focus that you should pay attention to, because lying on a mattress with poor support for a long time On the mattress, it will cause excessive pressure on certain parts of the body, making it impossible to lie down and rest properly.

3. Is it waterproof?
For some people with limited mobility, the waterproofness of the mattress is very important, because they often bring three meals into the room to eat, and even some elderly people may have problems with incontinence, whether it is food or excrement. If these things remain on the mattress for a long time, they will definitely breed a lot of bacteria, making the mattress moldy and smelly. Therefore, when purchasing a medical mattress, you must first confirm whether the medical mattress itself is waterproof. Don’t just think that it is waterproof. I feel like there is no problem with the cleaning pad! The waterproofness of the mattress itself is one of the important considerations.

4. Is the mattress made of natural materials?
We rarely pay attention to the mattress material when choosing a mattress, but it is recommended to read the ingredient list before buying. After all, we spend at least one-third of the day lying on the mattress or even more. Sleeping on a mattress containing a lot of chemical ingredients will not only have an impact on your health. The softness, support, and breathability of chemical mattresses are also much inferior to mattresses made with natural ingredients, so they are more recommended for medical treatment. Carefully choose mattresses made of natural materials, which will be better for sleep quality and health.

in conclusion
After reading this article, do you know more about medical mattresses? The design of the medical mattress has very good performance in terms of durability, support and comfort. It allows the person lying on it to have a good sleep peacefully and prevents excessive pressure on parts of the body. It is very suitable to use in this era when work pressure is high and many people have sleep problems.

Post time: Aug-19-2024